Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wishful Wednesday

Glenn ivy Spa ahh if have never been click on the link and check it out ! it's heaven i have been twice and that is just not enough ! And lately ive been feeling like i need a getaway life can be so overwhelming at times and us MOM"S need a good break... Ok for example i started this blog around 5 am this morning everybody was asleep but the dogs so i thought i could in a post before the house wakes up ok so wrong the hubby gets up and starts chatting with me while he can see me trying to type and do other non important stuff so i guess he see's it as a green light to let me know one of our daughters left her car in the street on street swiper day can i go get her keys out her room so he can move the car ugrr.. ok so i stop what am doing and i move the car myself why you ask because i already had to get up and look for the dam keys (cause god forbid she leaves them hanging by the door with all the other keys !!) Ok nevermind all that sorry just venting i can go on about interruptions (lol) So today i will be thinking of Glenn ivy and there hot springs while really  walking the kids to school doing laundry and cleaning my house !
Wishful Wednesday.


  1. I think we can all use a spa day, or week! LOL

    We did pick up a few things at IKEA, but were mostly there to get ideas for the finishing of our basement. I found some furniture and cabinets that I liked.

    Oh, yeah, and Coach too. I got myself a new bag. ;-)

  2. I've really been wanting a spa day. That? Sounds amazing!


  3. Oh Hoo-ray for the spa...God's gift to women!!!

  4. spa day does sound good. think I need to book one soon!

  5. Thanks for entering my giveaway! Good luck!

  6. Hi just found your blog from the Winey Mommy blog! I could so use a spa day! I've never even had a massage before. Maybe when my boys are grown and out of the house! Ha!
