The Christmas Door Tour is a time for everyone to post and share pictures of their front door Christmas decorations. If you would like to join in just click on the link above and join in !
Ok so every year around Christmas time i make this Mexican Hot Chocolate it always reminds me of being a little girl my mom always made this for me, it is one of her favorites and i make it for my famliy now.
We wrapped up our Thanksgiving weekend surrounded with family ! What more could you ask for ? I am so thankful for so much in my Life ! My Family(they are the best ), Health (No Lupus flare ups), and so much more ! Christmas decorations & sick kids~(Ugh) fever's off and on. Shopping on Black Friday :) That's tradition who doesn't like a sale ? putting up the Christmas tree, Eating leftover Turkey Sandwich's, Decking all our halls spreading the Holiday cheer all with a house full ! Was even able to watch a couple of good movies Precious & New Moon Both were good But Precious was so riveting if you havent had a chance to see this movie check it out! So here are a few pic's of our Thanksgiving Day ! And these two had too much Turkey !!!